2023 Project Update
FEMA technical approval, waiting on release of funding for shoreline flood risk reduction project design.
City of Cambridge has selected BayLand Consultants & Designers Inc. to complete design and permitting.
The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) at Horn Point is supporting the project and will optimize the design of the living shoreline and achievement of ecological co-benefits via living components of the project such as an oyster reef.
Three Main Project Components
Earth and rock embankments

Living Shoreline
Wave Attenuation provided by stone or oyster structures​
March terrance to dampen wave and surge from storm event and create habitat
Incorporate beneficial use of dredge material
Two dredging grant applications have been submitted​
Provides protection of the embankment structures and transitional habitat​
Stormwater Management
To alleviate flooding from rain event:
Stormwater Retention​
Pumping stations and storm drain upgrades
Backflow preventors
Green Infrastructure
Maximize gravity flow to reduce pumping
Elevate roadways, modify drainage patterns, increase flood resistance​​
Utilize wetland retention areas to minimize underground storage ​​​

Project Design Roadmap
Each sign along the roadway represents the project design process.